By consolidating real time data from ALL your belt scales into the cloud, this online application extracts Key Production and Performance insights into automated charts, tables and URL’s, available on your phone, laptop and by email. Comprising of 3 powerful analytical tools, a Production Log, a Performance and a Wear Parts log, Multitrack helps you to optimise your production day, understand why your plant may be idling and eliminate unplanned downtime and stoppages.
The Production log features real time tonnage and production start and stop times with summary updates every 30 minutes. The Performance log offers a real time display of machine production status and categorises each production & non production event. The wear parts log is an automated alert system logging typical wear parts against cost, tonnage and engine hours.
Multitrack Belt Scales comes with a lead time of approx 2-3 weeks.
To see how you can improve management and control of your production plant contact us today on +44 28 8775 9397